8 years ago
Generic Java Projects, Tips & Tricks
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Image 2 black/white-Array
For one of my Pico Pi Projects, I needed to transform some images into a black/white-Array. I'm sure there are other tools or simpler ways to do this, but for such a simple task, it was easier to just do it in Java myself.
2 years ago
Game of Life
Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton developed by British mathematician John Horton Conway. It's fun to look at as an animation and a popular programming example.
2 years ago
A Time-tracking Tool for the command line
What do you do, if you're a dev and are annoyed with time-tracking in excel? You built a time-tracking Tool yourself :D
6 years ago
A stupid 2.5d Engine in Java
I wondered how (3d) Game Engines work. So i tried to build a small one myself - kind of.
7 years ago
The Minesweeper Challenge
Hanging out drunk af in the dorm, my roommate bet I couldn't code Minesweeper while beeing drunk :D
11 years ago